Sunday, July 5, 2009

Thieving bastard gypsy spanish sons of bitches.

Yes, i'm unimpressed. Just had my very lovely gloves stolen by some swarthy filthy inbred at a service station. Insurance company have already confirmed they won't pay out, naturally. Lets hope no stone chips for the rest of the trip. Bollocks. And i was just getting to like Spain.


  1. Be extra careful guys as you head into Gibraltar - pick pockets everywhere, specially the Moroccan traders who prey on tourists, (they come in all shapes and ages so keep precious things very close to your hearts). On the plus side, leather goods are usually quite reasonable so hope you can get a replacement pair of gloves quickly, you can't risk being without for long. How's the fluid situation?

  2. Chris just sent you an email re the slight leak from the transmition boot. Should not be a major problem - just keep an eye on the level.

  3. just as well they did't see your wallets etc - Keep everything locked and bolted!!

  4. and be careful when you are camping too - at least they cant do the camper van trick of putting gas through the exhaust pipe so they can get in and nick everything in sight, including passports while you sleep on!! Don't think this would work in a tent but try and find a decent camp site tonight x

  5. hmmm suspect i meant air con system... not very mechanically minded - but you know what i mean...

    Here is a link the webcam at the port where they will sail from.

  7. Cool x Very distracted by watching their progress!! I am sooo impressed by what they are doing...
