Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Final campsite.

We're here and elated. Going to pitch tents and head into the local village for a snack and just maybe a beer or two. The surroundings are absolutely breathtaking and we're off to get some snaps in the morning.


  1. So glad this place worked out! Enjoy your last evening in Spain, boys. Good to know you'll be safely back in Blighty tomorrow.

    Be safe,

    m x

  2. Wonderful! Bravo! Enjoy! love from the Canadian side of things. mum

  3. Hope you're having a nice relaxing evening...and a few beers


  4. Gentlemen - your epic adventure draws to a close but it is important to stay alert and not let euphoria or heineken muffle your senses. Hope you have a wonderful cruise back to Plymouth tomorrow. Ask jason if he remembers sailing home from Jersey in a Force 7 when he was about 9. He thought it was great, free fairground ride all night long. Bon Voyage mon amis. xxx

  5. or perhaps viaje seguro, mis amigos!

  6. Something to look forward to; your enormous 10 x 10 shed has arrived and we can build it up over the weekend – well after you have collected your new blue BMW motorbike from the showroom!

    Watch out for each other and ensure you all have a safe ride back home and enjoy the visit to Honeypot House.

  7. In the NEWS

    And there will be more to come!

  8. just checked in - I have you at Torrelavega (11.45 a.m. your time). I have to leave for work in a moment, so I wish you a wonderful cruise - take loads of pics - and CONGRATULATIONS!! from Jase's mum and Stepdad. xxx

  9. Wey hey see you are at the ferry!! Congratulations!! There must have been times when you thought you would get there!! Love you loads Paul and so proud of all of you!! xxxx

  10. ha ha was supposed to say 'never get there'...

  11. when are you back? The work's really starting to stack up!


  12. Had a text from Simon saying they'll be coming into port around 9.30pm, but that they can't blog for now as no mobile internet available.

    m x

  13. Well done all, congratulations! Although I shouldn't speak too soon, you're not home yet =) Take it easy rest of way.

    Send Jason my love and tell him there shall be a big dinner and beer or few for him.

    (Hi Jane, if you read this. Sorry i missed your call, thanks for thinking of me, it's very sweet of you. I'm fine, will be happy to have jason home safe and sound =)Hope you're well and love to you both xx)

  14. Such a relief to know they're safely on the ferry.
    Melanie, I think the boat comes into Plymouth at 9.30am tomorrow.

  15. Bloody hell. Didn't realise the crossing was that long. All Simon said was 9.30. It never occurred to me it would take all night.

    Let's hope the waters are calm, then, if they have to be on board that long.

    Still, hopefully that means he'll have a chance to shower before heading toward Bristol ;-)

    m x

  16. Bristol !!
    I believe the plan is to travel from the port at Plymouth to Honeypot House in the New Forest Hampshire. At Honeypot House they will have lunch and then travel home. …wherever their individual homes are!

  17. Well done Paul and the rest of the boys....must have been one hell of a trip! hope you are not too saddle sore.
    al the caricaturist.
